What's The Difference Between Ice Cream And Gelato?

by Lindsay Shapka in , ,

Colorful mounds of sweet iced goodness sit in glass-topped coolers, enticing those walking by to stop and purchase a scoop (or two) of melt-in-your-mouth flavors like lemon, Nutella, and blood-orange creamsicle.

Nothing beats gelato.

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7 Things I Learned From Being A Female Rugby Player

by Lindsay Shapka in ,

Get used to hearing; "You play rugby!?"

That phrase, accompanied by a head to toe scan of your body, is the typical response when someone (usually a male someone) learns that you play the sport. Believe it or not, female rugby players are not ugly, bearded, or 300-pounds.

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Travel Tip: Don't Sit Down When Dining In Rome, It Will Cost More!

by Lindsay Shapka in , , ,

An article published in The Telegraph a few years ago told the tale of a few tourists in Rome who kicked up a stink when they were charged 42 Euros for two ice creams and a bottle of water in a cafe. Thinking that they were being scammed, they even went so far as to get the police involved.

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10 (Mostly False) Things You Didn't Know About Canada

by Lindsay Shapka in ,

In Canada, the tuque (a winter/all-year hat that is usually made of cotton, wool, or a beaver pelt) is the number-one-selling article of clothing — more popular than underwear, t-shirts or jeans. (And that's not including the ones that are handmade by your grandma or your crafty friends.)

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Don't Make These Mistakes! Editor Pet Peeves You Need To Know

by Lindsay Shapka in ,

We all make mistakes — I am sure there are many of them on this site that I've missed!

Nobody is perfect, and making errors (every once and awhile) is normal. When I am wearing my Editor hat, however, I have a lower tolerance for certain mistakes when it comes to resumes, query letters, professional emails, and professional writing.

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What's The Difference Between An Agnostic and An Atheist?

by Lindsay Shapka in ,

Ever wonder what the difference is between someone who is agnostic and someone who calls themselves an atheist?

I don't know about you, but because I don't personally identify with either of these terms, the meaning of each of them can get a bit confusing.

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6 Things To Know About Biodynamic Wine

by Lindsay Shapka in ,

I was recently invited to an intimate dinner with special guest Mike Benziger, the founder of the Benziger Family Winery in California. Though he is now the head of an incredibly successful wine business, and a world-wide example of the farming philosophy Biodynamics (I'll get to that soon, don't worry!), Mike started his career in wine as a bagger in a local liquor shop in Sonoma.

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